CIT & Johnson & Perrott

Introducing Pamela Kiely , a former Marketing Executive at Johnson & Perrott Ltd.

Further to our focus on career building and the improtance of education - During her time working with us, Pamela was also currently studying part time at the Cork Institute of Technology for a Master’s in Digital Marketing Strategy. This is a very demanding course and is designed around the practicalities of modern business and features a variety of realistic learning opportunities, such as: live case studies, site visits, seminars as well as intensive in-class learning.

The course itself covers a broad range of marketing topics, from SEO and analytics to brand development and integrated strategy. At Johnson & Perrott, we believe education and up-skilling plays a vital role in one’s career development. Undertaking courses such as the Masters in Digital Marketing Strategy, allows an opportunity to put theory into practice which is beneficial to both employee/student and the company. We are grateful to have this connection with CIT, for more information on the MSc in Digital Marketing Strategy see hashtagCIT hashtagCITDM hashtagJPMG hashtagJPMGcork
